CBS Trading is a student-driven organization devoted to the world of trading. The brainchild of a group of like-minded business students, the organization has continuously hosted educational events with key people from Copenhagen’s trading environment since its founding in 2019. 

The events cover the entire spectrum of trading, including – but not limited to – market prognoses, company profiles, investment strategies and IPO analyses, and the events are tailored to be at a level of complexity that does not exclude students holding no prior trading experience, while remaining enlightening for those who have already immersed themselves in trading. 

Additionally, 2020 saw the launch of the biannual CBS Trading Academy; an intensive and educational program comprised of 6 workshops, wherein the participants are supplied with the fundamental knowledge needed to confidently navigate the stock markets. The program is hosted in collaboration with Saxo Bank, who will not only share their expertise, but also provide the participants an exclusive chance at using the company’s own trading platform. 


CBS Trading is a student-driven organization devoted to the world of trading. The brainchild of a group of like-minded business students, the organization has continuously hosted educational events with key people from Copenhagen’s trading environment since its founding in 2019.

The events cover the entire spectrum of trading, including – but not limited to – market prognoses, company profiles, investment strategies and IPO analyses, and the events are tailored to be at a level of complexity that does not exclude students holding no prior trading experience, while remaining enlightening for those who have already immersed themselves in trading

Additionally, 2020 saw the launch of the biannual CBS Trading Academy; an intensive and educational program comprised of 6 workshops, wherein the participants are supplied with the fundamental knowledge needed to confidently navigate the stock markets. The program is hosted in collaboration with Saxo Bank, who will not only share their expertise, but also provide the participants an exclusive chance at using the company’s own trading platform.


Behind every great student organization is a dedicated team
– and CBS Trading is no exception.

Board of Directors

Frederik Kirkeby

Frederik Kirkeby


Jonathan Brandt

Jonathan Brandt

Vice President


Morten Guldbæk Sørensen

Morten Guldbæk Sørensen

Head of Partnerships

Jonas Schak Andreasen

Jonas Schak Andreasen

Partnership Coordinator

Tara Srouji

Tara Srouji

Partnership Coordinator

Marketing & Communications

Frederik Rothe

Frederik Rothe

Head of Marketing & Communications

Gidon Kermann

Gidon Kermann

Marketing Associate

Alba Giese Schmidt

Alba Giese Schmidt

Marketing Associate

Mads-Emil Dal Olsen

Mads-Emil Dal Olsen

Marketing Associate

Karen Jørgensen

Karen Jørgensen

Marketing Associate

Trading Academy

Mona Lisa Manshad

Mona Lisa Manshad

Head of Trading Academy

Peter Storm Hansen

Peter Storm Hansen

Trading Academy Coordinator


Theresa Almind

Theresa Almind

Head of Events

Thulaxshy Kanthaverl

Thulaxshy Kanthaverl

Events Coordinator

Nicolas Vangkilde

Nicolas Vangkilde

Events Coordinator

Marcus Lunding

Marcus Lunding

Events Coordinator

Jonathan Brandt

Jonathan Brandt

Events Coordinator


Elisabeth Quist

Elisabeth Quist

Head of Finance

Philip Grimberg

Philip Grimberg

Finance Assistant


Mohammed Youssef

Mohammed Youssef

Head of Recruitment


Tuuli Loik

Tuuli Loik

Head of Website


Their investment in us empowers us to invest in you.


Saxo Bank is our main Trading Academy partner. Founded in 1992, the Danish investment bank is one of the pioneers in online trading. There are many products tradable on Saxo’s pioneering multi-asset platform and we are beyond proud to offer our academists the first push towards mastering it!


Finansforbundet is a Danish union for everyone working or studying within the field of finance. It has 55.000 members, who can all benefit from career counselling, legal help, educative events and more. Membership is free for students. Our events are sponsored by Finansforbundet. 



Solbjerg Plads 3
DK-2000 Frederiksberg

CVR: 40895639



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